
01. You click too much.

ergonomic mouse 1

02. You go "ouch this sucks, this is very uncomfortable".

ergonomic mouse 2

03. Actually, you haven’t been clicking but crashing against a hard surface thousands of times a day.

ergonomic mouse impact to hand

This is your hand, clicking a brick-hard mouse button.

ergonomic mouse shock to hand

See? Your finger and wrist joints are in a 'mouse crash accident' every second.

04. A little googling will confirm you that yes, repeated crashing onto the hand causes stress.


elasto ergonomic mouse hand pain
Structure of a traditional mouse

The above shows the skeleton of a typical mouse. The kind of mouse you have been using from your first encounter with a PC until now. Microswitches are located at the front of the mouse. They are the components that make the crisp click sound when you press down the mouse button.

THE PROBLEM IS that the switches lie below your fingertip. So when you click the button, your fingertip collides with the switch. Subsequently your finger, hand, and arm are injured.

In jargon, actuation distance and travel distance (there is a Glossary down this page!) are almost the same. This structure makes bottoming out so easy. In other words, it makes you slam your finger on the button. This is what we call an incident of a 'mouse-crash'.

05. So we took the tension away by removing the hard stop.

elasto ergonomic mouse
And herein lies our great discovery and genesis for the bottomless mouse.

06. Now you can click lightly.

Elasto's bottomless structure involves the Principle of the Lever.

elasto ergonomic mouse lever
So you need to apply only half of the actuation force to click the Elasto.

Well, what about when you double-click?

ergonomic mouse compare

High impact forces with a typical mouse (left) and low smooth forces with Elasto (right) when double clicking

As the above graphic shows, double-clicking the typical mouse produces high and somewhat impact forces. In comparison, double-clicking the Elasto mouse produces low and smooth forces. This is because Elasto has a longer overtravel distance and uses the principle of the lever.

You can click lightly with Elasto. More lightly than you can ever imagine.

07. Buy an elastic, light clicking mouse.

We promise ELASTO will save your hands.

elasto ergonomic mouse Avant Garde


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