Why does hand pain occur?
Most people use Click and Click&Drag when using a mouse. They live unaware of the discomfort caused by clicking until they start experiencing pain in their hands over time. The cause of this pain is RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury), which occurs when repetitive actions and strain work together.
Eventually, they look for different types of mice to replace their current ones. In their search, they come across mice of the Vertical Mouse category. From the perspective of repetition, using different muscles with a Vertical Mouse leads to a new kind of repetition, seemingly alleviating the pain.
However, as they continue using the Vertical Mouse, RSI reoccurs, and the pain returns. To avoid repetition, one should work slowly or take breaks, but it's not always possible to stop working altogether. Since repetition cannot be entirely avoided, reducing strain becomes crucial. Unfortunately, there are no mice in the market designed to minimize strain. That's why we developed the Elasto M4, precisely to reduce strain.
RSI : Repetitive Strain Injury